The sharp end of pain >

I talk a lot about chronic pain, mainly because the majority of my clients suffer from it.  Having just studied acute pain, I thought it might be helpful to write something about it.  Hopefully my ramblings will help prevent a few people’s pain from becoming...

The Heady Heights

Wow, you’re tall – how tall are you?” Is a question I often get. At just shy of 6’ I am above average height for both men and women in the UK, so I suppose it is not a surprising, if somewhat blunt, question. However, this is not the most inconvenient thing about...

Racing Again!

For my new followers, as well as a massage therapist, I am also a keen runner.  During these crazy times, it has definitely been a sanity saviour.  An opportunity to get out the house, have some time to myself, discover new places and just think about putting one foot...

Time is an Illusion

It has been a while since I’ve written anything but a conversation at the weekend prompted me to have a go again.  The main reason I haven’t is I don’t seem to have had the time.  Summer holidays without a moment to myself, then ramping up the...